( wip ) a selective, mutuals only and canon divergent portrayal of Cemirah/Sindrassa as authored by Esmerae. since twenty nineteen.
content warning a poetically written description of the various themes to be found on your blog, and themes that a viewer may need to be wary of. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. suspendisse ut ultrices sapien, nec aliquam purus. praesent eleifend et enim in vestibulum. nunc sed urna nec massa pretium accumsan. mauris a lectus ante.
out of character this character was made for the interest of myself & myself alone. If you do not like it, you do not have to interact. everything that you see here is from my own creation. there have been places in which I have taken inspiration from but that is all. this includes the race that they are from as well.
worldbuilding when it comes to this, I will specifically create a discord for those who want to help develop this character more.
interactions Genuinely, I love when people interact with my character. As I think they are a good concept that will forever need to be fleshed out and I know that I wont be able to do that on my own so having others / friends who are willing to help and to do so will be a blessing. β₯
dynamics I am here for any and all kinds of dynamics, as long as both players agree for them before any roleplay sessions are started. my favourite kind of dynamics are the corrupted and the corruptee ( myself ) but vice versa is a thing that can and could happen. please do not try to force your ideas onto me, it makes me uncomfortable.
miscellaneous lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. suspendisse ut ultrices sapien, nec aliquam purus. praesent eleifend et enim in vestibulum. nunc sed urna nec massa pretium accumsan. mauris a lectus ante. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. suspendisse ut ultrices sapien, nec aliquam purus. praesent eleifend et enim in vestibulum. nunc sed urna nec massa pretium accumsan. mauris a lectus ante. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. suspendisse ut ultrices sapien, nec aliquam purus. praesent eleifend et enim in vestibulum. nunc sed urna nec massa pretium accumsan. mauris a lectus ante.
a collection
of documents about a particular person, event, or subject.
the basics
name sindrassa (velatira) grimmori.
years old 1000+.
birthday October 9th.
pronouns they/them | fae/faer.
gender non-binary.
orientation bisexual, demiromantic.
dnd chaotic neutral.
species drauuldri (moonshadow dragon).
residence noctalis, moon kingdom.
languages English, Draconic.
my dear brightest star , why are you this sad .α£.
positive trait
write here.
positive trait
write here.
positive trait
write here.
positive trait
write here.
negative trait
write here.
negative trait
write here.
negative trait
write here.
negative trait
write here.
the looks
skin tone mocha.
hair color shadow black.
hair style long, hime-esque cut.
eye color golden amber.
scent here.
height 6'9" (default).
weight here.
physique here.
complexion here.
mental any mental conditions here.
notable features i.e. scars, tattoos, piercings, fangs, etc. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. suspendisse ut ultrices sapien, nec aliquam purus. wardrobe describe their everyday style, uniforms, other clothing here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. suspendisse ut ultrices sapien, nec aliquam purus. miscellaneous anything about their appearance that wasn't asked. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. suspendisse ut ultrices sapien, nec aliquam purus.
β the moon will sing a song for meοΌ i loved you like the sun. i bore the shadows that you made with no light of my own. i shine only with the light you gave meοΌ i shine only with the light you gave me. β
# the cosmic devourer
the history
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. cras porta nunc vel dolor auctor tempus in bibendum nulla. aliquam laoreet sem dapibus, bibendum dui eget, facilisis felis. aliquam nulla nisi, pharetra eget ex vitae, hendrerit auctor enim. morbi sit amet viverra urna. praesent nisi lorem, tincidunt vitae elit ut, elementum facilisis tortor. ut blandit egestas ornare. nam vel turpis porttitor, egestas augue vitae, pulvinar dolor. phasellus euismod neque sed eros bibendum, vitae venenatis orci aliquet. nunc et volutpat ligula. curabitur maximus, ex vel tincidunt dictum, ex mi dictum nibh, a consectetur quam leo a massa. in a porttitor urna, eu euismod justo. proin sit amet lectus et eros malesuada ultricies. in luctus ipsum vitae leo ultricies, id rhoncus justo aliquam. suspendisse fermentum commodo justo, a fermentum sem. donec lobortis sem et arcu eleifend egestas. sed at iaculis mauris, rutrum commodo velit. mauris et mauris eget purus dapibus euismod. curabitur volutpat, tellus a consectetur luctus, magna quam semper tellus, eget suscipit leo libero at augue. nam nec mauris quis sapien mattis efficitur. nulla efficitur odio metus, sed blandit nunc porta vel. donec tortor nibh, vehicula sed mi ac, semper posuere dui. duis justo erat, eleifend eu libero nec, dictum ullamcorper risus. proin id pulvinar orci, id dictum nisi. integer viverra diam id lorem pharetra ultricies. nam semper pellentesque massa, sed ornare mi. sed commodo maximus dapibus. nullam id fringilla nunc. nullam urna erat, posuere id risus at, interdum sagittis justo.mauris aliquet sit amet arcu et suscipit. sed consequat ligula ac erat malesuada, vitae interdum sem accumsan. quisque eu nulla et sapien laoreet auctor a commodo dolor. integer interdum tempor lectus vitae laoreet. praesent fringilla, leo in faucibus tincidunt, justo diam malesuada mi, a tempor ex est vel lorem. etiam sollicitudin egestas nunc sit amet blandit. nullam consectetur lectus ultrices nunc luctus, nec mattis ligula dapibus. nullam ex arcu, convallis ornare diam eu, ultricies tristique dui. nulla fermentum tristique justo porta tincidunt. nullam volutpat neque libero, vel lobortis tellus posuere ac. cras vel nibh quam. suspendisse ultricies feugiat interdum. vestibulum vel tincidunt eros, sit amet rhoncus magna. suspendisse malesuada vitae risus non iaculis. nulla facilisi. cras pretium velit mauris. morbi pretium nunc in urna varius imperdiet. praesent finibus vel orci et commodo. donec quis velit auctor, maximus mauris a, facilisis urna. class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. nulla consectetur orci tortor, nec finibus turpis cursus convallis. curabitur vel magna mi. mauris porta lacus mauris, id condimentum lectus convallis a. sed aliquam sodales arcu, ac feugiat ex ullamcorper nec.
the powers
title of headcanon
title of headcanon
title of headcanonβ‘
title of headcanon
title of headcanon
title of headcanonβ‘
title of headcanon
title of headcanon
title of headcanonβ‘
title of headcanon
title of headcanon
title of headcanon
a setting for
a work of fiction that departs from the canon of it's universe.
verse title here.
| position
occupation, role, etc. | age
if their age differs in this verse.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. cras porta nunc vel dolor auctor tempus in bibendum nulla. aliquam laoreet sem dapibus, bibendum dui eget, facilisis felis. aliquam nulla nisi, pharetra eget ex vitae, hendrerit auctor enim. morbi sit amet viverra urna. praesent nisi lorem, tincidunt vitae elit ut, elementum facilisis tortor. ut blandit egestas ornare. nam vel turpis porttitor, egestas augue vitae, pulvinar dolor. phasellus euismod neque sed eros bibendum, vitae venenatis orci aliquet. nunc et volutpat ligula. curabitur maximus, ex vel tincidunt dictum, ex mi dictum nibh, a consectetur quam leo a massa. in a porttitor urna, eu euismod justo. proin sit amet lectus et eros malesuada ultricies.
verse title here.
| position
occupation, role, etc. | age
if their age differs in this verse.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. cras porta nunc vel dolor auctor tempus in bibendum nulla. aliquam laoreet sem dapibus, bibendum dui eget, facilisis felis. aliquam nulla nisi, pharetra eget ex vitae, hendrerit auctor enim. morbi sit amet viverra urna. praesent nisi lorem, tincidunt vitae elit ut, elementum facilisis tortor. ut blandit egestas ornare. nam vel turpis porttitor, egestas augue vitae, pulvinar dolor. phasellus euismod neque sed eros bibendum, vitae venenatis orci aliquet. nunc et volutpat ligula. curabitur maximus, ex vel tincidunt dictum, ex mi dictum nibh, a consectetur quam leo a massa. in a porttitor urna, eu euismod justo. proin sit amet lectus et eros malesuada ultricies.
verse title here.
| position
occupation, role, etc. | age
if their age differs in this verse.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. cras porta nunc vel dolor auctor tempus in bibendum nulla. aliquam laoreet sem dapibus, bibendum dui eget, facilisis felis. aliquam nulla nisi, pharetra eget ex vitae, hendrerit auctor enim. morbi sit amet viverra urna. praesent nisi lorem, tincidunt vitae elit ut, elementum facilisis tortor. ut blandit egestas ornare. nam vel turpis porttitor, egestas augue vitae, pulvinar dolor. phasellus euismod neque sed eros bibendum, vitae venenatis orci aliquet. nunc et volutpat ligula. curabitur maximus, ex vel tincidunt dictum, ex mi dictum nibh, a consectetur quam leo a massa. in a porttitor urna, eu euismod justo. proin sit amet lectus et eros malesuada ultricies.